Studio Noble
Kevin Noble Diamonds and Dust by Michele Corriel Photographer Kevin Noble looks for the sublime in everything he does. In recent years, he’s been enthralled with Yellowstone National Park, investigating…
45 Architecture & Interiors
Connecting at the Nexus by Aaron Kampfe Bozeman’s Northeast neighborhood has historically been a location of commerce. Since the railroad began transporting people and goods in and out of the…
Montana Expressions
A Multi-Generational Legacy by Halina Loft What does it mean to curate a “Montana Look” in your home? This question solicits wry smiles from Addi Sires and Kathy Koelzer. They’re…
Real Estate Round Table
Resort, Ranch, & City moderated & edited by Aaron Kampfe location photography by Kene Sperry Round Table panel location: Fielding’s, Bozeman Armory Hotel In the fall of 2024, Aaron Kampfe,…
Brechbuhler Architects
The Hauser Home A dream-like balance between the natural and contemporary by Laurenz Busch Nestled in serenity, where the Gallatin Range rises in the distance and deer graze in the…
SAV Digital Environments
Flip the Switch Lighting Design for Wellness with SAV Digital Environments by Cassidy Mantor Light is an intangible element of design that can have a dramatic effect on mood. A…
On The Hunt
Finding Kitchen Upgrades in Bozeman & Big Sky TUMBLEWEED CHANDELIER GALLATIN VALLEY FURNITURE 923 North 7th Ave | Bozeman, MT | 406.587.5423 This organic-chic beauty is made up of over…
Big Sky Build
EAT, APRÈS, LOVE How Big Sky Build helped one family create their perfect ski home by Molly Kordares In Big Sky, Montana, winter can last a very long time. “It…
Art in Bozeman
Transformation & Metamorphosis by Michele Corriel Above: Pensive | 24”x 30” | Oil on canvas | Angela Zanolari Each of the stories in this Art Section seeks to understand the…